

So, the blog has been on something of an unofficial hiatus lately, it the complete lack of posts hasn't been obvious enough. It can be really difficult for me to stay motivated, and the first month of summer is usually spent not writing or reading. It's shameful, really, how little I've done sine the end of the semester. However, tomorrow I start phase one of the Program, which is a highly scientific and exacting, um, program, designed to keep me from being totally worthless. Phase one involves writing every day for ten minutes, without stopping, for a week. After that, phase two: two pages in the morning and three pages at night, every day for a week. Then, phase three, which I haven't created yet. Probably be pretty serious though. Punishing, perhaps. The idea is that somewhere in this process a gem will be unearthed, and I can finally stop watching Arrested Development and start writing the next Great American Novel. Then I can retire and return to repeated watching of Arrested Development. That is the goal, the mission, the Program. Or something like that.

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